Small _teams or individual _explorers with different competencies and backgrounds scope both the human and the wild landscape searching for anything related to food. Wild edibles, food traditions, rituals, new opportunities, old practices.

_explorers // _exploration #1

Angelica Stimpfl
Graphic Designer & Printmaker
“I easily fall in love with a lot of things. I found myself contemplating random objects such as rocks with effigy, or stealing white tiles from ruins. Just to put them next to a paper tray, on a shelf looking through them as into a magic cosmos. A cosmos of beautiful things. I get lost, and easily lose the focus, and I find myself unable to say no to places, objects, situations, stories and memories. In the end I obsessively bind myself to a jag in a market place, to a set of broken plates I could maybe repair, to dead plants, to a magazine about the moon. You never know! Therefore whenever I ca I collect and pile things, from old postcards to cicada's legs, tons of shells and bags made of Havana paper. I would like all these things never to be forgotten. Everything, in general, in their simply being those things. There's always so much beauty I can't believe it, therefore I take notes, document and archive in order to be able to live those things in all the entirety I'm probably the only one to see. I build memory believing to get some good idea from it, any more appropriate or just diverse uses.
I felt the necessity to try to rediscover some Probatum Verbum (word prooved by experience), which I think are useful to link with what is around us once again. Often, not being educated about our traditions, we forgot the experiences our ancestors needed a long time to get. We are distracted, we don't take the space we need to understand events or just the simple functions of a fact, an action. That's why we loose the contact and the empathy with the world around us.”
︎ ange slavina
_exploration #1 :
Angelica’s _notebook

Camilla Glorioso
Almost obsessively interested in the beauty of mundane objects, my work is mostly driven by my curiosity for the unexpected in the everyday, working on photo stories and documentary series.
I try to re-calibrate my attention - and the viewer’s - from the obvious focus to something new using flattened perspective and tight crops while exploring themes such as sense of belonging, homesickness and our attachment to objects.
Most of my projects are linked together by an ongoing research that uses photography as a tool for emotional archaeology. I believe the camera is the perfect mediator to reconnect to places and people and unpack the way I look at my family, my loved ones, my hometown, my country.
Within this body of work: My Closest Friend (2018-2019), Scenario (ongoing) and Familiar: Archivio Affettivo Siciliano (Nov 2019)
︎ camillaglorioso
Almost obsessively interested in the beauty of mundane objects, my work is mostly driven by my curiosity for the unexpected in the everyday, working on photo stories and documentary series.
I try to re-calibrate my attention - and the viewer’s - from the obvious focus to something new using flattened perspective and tight crops while exploring themes such as sense of belonging, homesickness and our attachment to objects.
Most of my projects are linked together by an ongoing research that uses photography as a tool for emotional archaeology. I believe the camera is the perfect mediator to reconnect to places and people and unpack the way I look at my family, my loved ones, my hometown, my country.
Within this body of work: My Closest Friend (2018-2019), Scenario (ongoing) and Familiar: Archivio Affettivo Siciliano (Nov 2019)
︎ camillaglorioso

Giulia Fassina
Photographer & Videomaker
“My personal work is mainly influenced by humanist photographers and american literature, and it is focused on the relationship between man and the Nature through documentary photography and travels around the world.
My latest project “Now You See Me” is an ongoing exploration of the human condition, starting from its connection with spaces and Nature. In front of them, what remains of us is just the extreme synthesis of what we really are. Bared from every single details that could define individuals, we are all shown as the same. I feel today we are probably running away from a condition that doesn’t belong to us anymore, from a system which isn’t working for a evolutionary change but is just bringing destruction. For me it’s important to go back to something pure, make the first step to a common awareness of our existence, as nowadays it seems to be lost.”
︎ _giuliafassina

Lorenzo Barbasetti di Prun
Chef & Designer // _initiator
“I'm a chef and many things I know I've learnt from food.
Cooking is one of the most revolutionary discovery of mankind. Cooking is discovering the mankind.
Food is a social activator. Nourishment and nutrition, the act of feeding and been fed with all the social and cultural implications.”
My role, as a chef and initiator of the project, is to lead the _teams into the field keeping the focus on food. On the other hand, I also act as a curator pushing the