prometheus_open food lab

Angelica Stimpfl

Graphic Designer & Printmaker

“I easily fall in love with a lot of things. I found myself contemplating random objects such as rocks with effigy, or stealing white tiles from ruins. Just to put them next to a paper tray, on a shelf looking through them as into a magic cosmos. A cosmos of beautiful things. I get lost, and easily lose the focus, and I find myself unable to say no to places, objects, situations, stories and memories. In the end I obsessively bind myself to a jag in a market place, to a set of broken plates I could maybe repair, to dead plants, to a magazine about the moon. You never know! Therefore whenever I ca I collect and pile things, from old postcards to cicada's legs, tons of shells and bags made of Havana paper. I would like all these things never to be forgotten. Everything, in general, in their simply being those things. There's always so much beauty I can't believe it, therefore I take notes, document and archive in order to be able to live those things in all the entirety I'm probably the only one to see. I build memory believing to get some good idea from it, any more appropriate or just diverse uses.
I felt the necessity to try to rediscover some Probatum Verbum (word prooved by experience), which I think are useful to link with what is around us once again. Often, not being educated about our traditions, we forgot the experiences our ancestors needed a long time to get. We are distracted, we don't take the space we need to understand events or just the simple functions of a fact, an action. That's why we loose the contact and the empathy with the world around us.”

︎ ange slavina

_exploration #1 :
Angelica’s _notebook