prometheus_open food lab

prometheus_open food lab

A cultural device for the exploration of the edible* potential of remote** places.

Restoring the ecological role of humans in landscapes*** through food.

Inspired by informal observations of abandoned or semi-abandoned rural settlements in the alpine Venetian region while travelling largely forgotten mountain paths the prometheus_open food lab aims to collect, (re)generate and (re)distribute knowledge about food to promote resilience in remote places which suffers abandonment.

It acts as a cultural catalyst in the regeneration of those remote places through tailored strategies that involves:

_explorations: the promotion of scientific and artistic investigation of the landscape
_consultancy and product development for local businesses
_lectures and tasting events in collaboration with local partners
_residency programmes for chefs, artists, researchers

prometheus_ cornerstones

*edible is anyting that can be potentially eaten with calcuated harm for the human organism. Not everyting that is edible is food, which is a narrow selection applied by any culture at any time. Not everything that a culture considers food is necessarely edible.

**intended not only as far away in time and space (Cambridge dictionary- remote) but also doomed to remoteness by a state of mind that neglects their relevance. A place where the cultural tools to understanding are no longer active.

***the sum of the human activities and their effects on the natural environment.