Launched during the Autumnn 2019.
It is a new dimension of Prometheus_, thought to give value to the intense research and field work of our _explorers, who across the years keep devoting their experience, competences and sensibility to offer new perspectives on places and edibles.
Designed in a strict participation of the _explorers with Prometheus_’ initiator and curator Lorenzo Barbasetti di Prun, each one of the _workshops is tailored to the specific inclination and interest.
They are addressed to a wide public in terms of background, but we aim to keep the number of participants to a maximum of fifteen. A small number allows the _explorers to follow all of them properly and generate a consistent outcome and research.
We also offer our expertise to inputs from partners who are willing to develop _workshops on specific topics which cross the path of our research.
Past _workshops:
Come il cibo influenza la percezione degli spazi. w/ Stefania Zanetti
Il gioiello come strumento di riappropriazione delle forme. w/Massimo Tevarotto