The Horizontal Vertex
by Lorenzo Barbasetti di Prun.
The History after the tempest
A disaster, the unexpected fury of the unleashed Nature can drastically change the perception of the landscape. The macro and the micro. Forever, we would say, but we are a species with a short survival expectancy, an even shorter individual lifespan. Our memory eventually is as mutable as our mood. The wind blew stronger than anyone could remember, the forests yielded. Trees went flat. Expanding their domain in a matter of seconds. They forced the perspective, from vertical to horizontal. Our perception needs to change as well. What we got used to seeing standing is now laying on our street, lakes and houses. What we have been long neglected is now showing itself in another dimension. A brand new world. What is our responsibility? We should rather ask ourselves what is our awareness. Was that world already there before it started falling on our heads? We might find it out reading its skin and innards like scavengers on an unknown carcass.
Like victims of a shipwreck, we explore the new environment searching for what is edible. We redefine the customs of the world from where we have just been cut off. We reconsider old stories, explore back the myths of ancient cultures we thought we could have buried.
Dopo Vaia, lo scenario è drasticamente mutato, aprendo, e destreggiandosi fra futili sentimentalismi, nuovi paesaggi fisici e mentali da esplorare. Come naufraghi tra le rovine del nostro relitto, in un ambiente sconosciuto indaghiamo i miti di antiche culture che pensavamo di aver sepolto per sempre. La tempesta ha ribaltato la prospettiva su ciò che sembrava essere un paesaggio immutabile, il vertice si allinea all’orizzonte, al nostro campo visivo.
Dalle prime esplorazioni è nata una serie fotografica essenziale che ha spostato lo sguardo dalle vaste panoramiche di crinali devastati dal vento e masse lignee schiantate al dettaglio di biologie vive che celano orizzonti di una nuova geografia.
Considerations at the origin of the horizontal vertex have led Massimo Tevarotto in his first exploration of Vaia’s fault and inspired his work Superficium.
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