prometheus_open food lab


The _archive is the central nervous system of prometheus_.

Everything is here collected, preserved and exposed to continuous and persistent manipulation while assuring every step is tracked.
We believe that culture cannot stay still and nothing should be considered fix.

And it is according to the effort of promoting a rigorous and consistent questioning of our achivemtents that we decided to have this as our landing page.

  1. For an experience which is closer to the one of our _explorers, we suggest you to approach the _archive through a randomised access. This will simulate the situation of contact with unexpected findings as it usually happens when entering an unknown territory. From there you can then keep exploring contents randomly by tapping the ︎ icon at the bottom of the page.
  2. If you prefer a more conventional approach, or you would rather have an overlook of the contents just keep scrolling. Images will lead you through the elements of the _archive and link directy to the related page.
  3. If you are looking for something specific, you can use the site menù tapping on the ︎ icon on the top-left corner of the page.